Thank you for choosing Netrunner.
Here is a quick overview how to use certain parts of the system.
Known Issues:
there are currently no reported problems.
If you found an issue and want us to fix it, please post in our forums or report the issue at github:
Tips and Hints:
Install Netflix:
1. Open a terminal window.
2. Type in the following commands then hit Enter after each.
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ehoover/compholio
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --reinstall ttf-mscorefonts-installer (use TAB key to go to "OK" and "Enter" to accept EULA)
sudo apt-get install netflix-desktop
If you experience issues wih Silverlight, try the following command “rm -Rf ~/.wine-browser”
For more, see the original article How To Use Netflix On Ubuntu 13.04
Hot Corner:
Touching the lower right corner of the screen automatically reveals the desktop. Touching it again will bring up the windows back in same state and order they were before.
For more tutorials check our Screencast section with Video Tutorials.
Introducing Programs
Let’s start with some programs, which are new and you find on the desktop / in the menu:
Runners-ID is a free webservice with cloud offerings based on libre/opensource solutions.You first register an account with a username (called your “runners-id”), email and password.
After that you get send an email to activate your account.
With your account activated, you get 2 GB free webspace for files like music and pictures.You are also able to integrate Runners-ID and KDE/Netrunner with Webaccounts.Runners-ID currently has two main sections:
Storage and Superampify.Storage is based on owncloud, which provides for file storage and image previewing.
It also has Contact and Calendar support, which is integrated thorugh webaccounts to KDE native applications.Superampify allows for streaming any music you stored on owncloud over the web or to your android mobile phone: Superampify for Android. Simply download the superampify android app and use your Runners-ID account and your music is ready to go with you.
Webaccounts let you connect and integrate your resources from providers like Facebook, Google, owncloud or Runners-ID.
When you successfully connect to an account, you have access to contacts or files within various KDE programs like Kontact or Dolphin.
For example, if you connect to your Runners-ID account, an automatic connection is made to your personal webfolder and added as a shortcut under Dolphin – Network.
(Add Network Drive)
samba-mounter helps you mount NAS drives with a GUI and make them available transparently for KDE and non-KDE programs.It also tries to reconnect them during next startup, so they are available without re-configuration.Added folders are also displayed under a special “Network” folder in your “home” directory, so you can access (read and write) them directly with your applications like amarok, libreoffice, etc.
Other things:
Netrunners Classic Menu consists of the standard categories + the so called Webapps-Category.
A webapp is a shortcut to one of the ever growing sites of the web.
They can be used just like a normal menu entry (e.g. right-click “copy to panel or desktop”) and start the html-content in a full-screen firefox browser-window.
One example of such a webapp is JacknJoe – a free/libre software app store that let’s you browse for applications and games and install with simple click (useable for mostly all debian based distros like for example Kubuntu, Ubuntu, MintKDE).