The Netrunner Team releases Netrunner 13.12 RC2 – 32bit and 64bit for download and testing.
It has fixed bugs from RC1 and includes full WINE 1.7 again.
Note: This is the RELEASE CANDIDATE 2 of Netrunner 13.12.
You can download and help us report back in this thread or wait for the official release soon, thanks.
New Kicker Menu (Super-/Window-Key to invoke)
New Expanding Taskmanager
Flexible Sidebar panel (show and hide with F11 or mouse swipe)
Mouse Swipes pre-enabled (see video here)
New Netrunner default Desktop Theme (inspired by this idea)
and of course the usual updates to latest versions and packages…
size: 1.5 GB
md5: 2c4342b506b7b2ed24e124f32cda190b
size: 1.6 GB
md5: df07548699d30a8ae775a5a76b1b779b
You can help us squeezing bugs and last minute issues for the final release by reporting back in our forums
or on github: