Netrunner Desktop 17.03 released

The Netrunner Team is happy to announce the release of Netrunner Desktop 17.03 – 64bit ISO. Netrunner 17.03 “Cyclotron” ships with an upgraded stack of KDE Software plus its usual selection of applications like Libreoffice, KDEnlive, Gimp, Audacious, Steam, Skype, Transmission, Virtualbox, Krita, Inkscape and many more. Here are some versions of what is shipped […]

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Upgrade Netrunner Desktop 16.09 to 17.01

-> These instructions upgrade Netrunner Desktop 16.09 to the new base of 17.01 Stretch/Snapshot. Please use at your own risk and make sure to make a backup of your personal data first before attempting the upgrade. To perform the upgrade, open a terminal (yakuake or konsole) and type the following commands: wget chmod a+xr

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Enable “Testing”

Netrunner is based on Debian Stable, so it has been fine-tuned to be rock-solid. That means you still get any updates and security pacthes from Debian as they are available. For anyone wanting the latest, it is very easy to activate the “Testing” repositories any user to receive continously tested updates. The following tutorial shows

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