
Latest Comments

  • William William Is it possible for them to just have a URL where they update the sources and then we can all just update our source files to run the...

    FAQ ·  3 months ago

  • Antonio Toro Antonio Toro I thought BRAVE was Russian... Yes! There' s no privacy online. All of them gave us "cookies" and, the add-ons, also have access to our...

    Overview ·  5 months ago

  • Antonio Toro Antonio Toro Basically it detects all I had in an old machine! Of course, I had to connect the WIFI to update the whole, as they warned, after I...

    Overview ·  5 months ago

  • Antonio Toro Antonio Toro Hi Aleis! I was using Kali then I installed this DEBIAN and I see this runner works faster than Kali and in a couple of hours, I simply had...

    Overview ·  5 months ago

  • Артем Зайцев Артем Зайцев It's not debian-based by any means. We can say it's pacman-based, arch-based, manjaro-based... But not debian for sure. If you want...

    Overview ·  7 months ago

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