3 months in the making, we are happy to announce the release of Netrunner Rolling 2016.01 – 64bit version.
Despite the versioning, 2016.01 comes with the latest of KDE like Plasma 5.5.4 and KDE Applications 15.12.2.

This release marks one change from previously released pre-packaged ISOs:
We’ve decided not to ship akonadi and the KDE PIM suite default with this release in favor of more lightweight alternatives.
Due to the power and flexibility of Arch packagemanagement it is easy for people who enjoy using Kdepim to install it via one single package called “kde-meta-kdepim”, that pulls in all previously shipped packages again.
Everything else is shipped as usual with their latest versions and should run as expected.

Calamares has been updated to the latest 2.0 release, bringing enhanced partition detection in BIOS and UEFI environments.
With the “Replace” feature, you can easily pick an already used partition and test-install Netrunner without further scattering your hard-disk.
Spectacle is now used for screenshot grabbing and offering a nice quick-save functionality.

The “Look and Feel” of Netrunner has also been refurbished, with Enlightenment being the default Plasma theme again.
Switching to a completely different style is as easy as ever, while still allowing for customization in full detail.
Rolling 2016.01 further ships with an additional set of wallpapers called “arti-one”.
Here are the Release Notes:

Linux Kernel 4.4.2
Plasma 5.5.4
Frameworks 5.19
Applications 15.12.2
Firefox 44.0.2
Thunderbird 38.6.0
LibreOffice 5
Virtualbox 5
VLC 2.2.2
Gmusicbrowser 1.1.15
Kamoso 3
and many more…
You can download the ISO here.